Thursday, April 18, 2013

Totally Tortellini...

Tortellini... litte ring shaped pasta. So fun. So small. Perfect for chubby little fingers to grab and pop in their mouths... oh and toddlers like them too :)

fill them, stuff them, leave them versatile, so EASY! no really, i promise it is!
Still don't believe me... here are the dough ingredients


Yup..thats all folks! I make my dough in the food processor.
My family does not eat white flour so my pasta dough is made with 100% whole wheat pastry flour, 2 eggs, salt, olive oil, ice water (and optional herbs to make an herbed dough)

Forgive the photo overload that will follow, but I am a visual learner so for any other visual learners out is tortellini making in a step by step process.

I used herbes de provence along with oregano to make an herbed pasta dough, this is totally optional. You can make plain dough as well..I just love flavor throughout the whole dough. After I added my herbs I blend up the flour, salt with them. I slowly add in the olive oil and water. When you first dump out the dough you may freak out...DON'T! As you knead it, it will form a nice ball. Working with whole grains means your dough will be firmer, stiffer and harder to roll. Just use some of your lovely muscles and roll it out until its pretty thin.

Now, the fun part. Forming the little guys. More pictures to follow.

That is a pretty fantastic filling I've got in there by the way... here it is
Homemade ricotta cheese, spinach, roasted butternut squash, freshly grated nutmeg, salt & pepper...YUM!!!!!
Anyway.  Spoon some filling (or use some freshly grated cheese pinched together) in the center of your circle of dough. Wet the edges and fold over the dough, pinch and seal really well. You can stop here and have little ravoli's too, pasta is fun!
If you want to continue in the tortellini process, take that little half circle and wrap it around your finger, bringing ends together, overlap, wet and seal shut tightly. Using your other hand, start to push the top edges down, tucking the ends under. Flip over the pasta as you take it off your finger and you will have a neat little ring shaped pasta!
Go on, go impress your family, friends, yourself at what you just made!
I also made a quick 2 minute you tube video walking you this process. You will forgive me for the fact that I talk fast, have an open pantry door, no makeup on and my hair is not done right?! Awww, i  knew you would.  (direct link in case the video will not play from this page)
Fresh Pasta Recipe
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
2 eggs
1 tablespoon olive oil
5 tablespoons ice water
1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1.5 teaspoons dried oregano (optional)
* 1 tablespoon dried herbes de provance (optional)
Happy Eating...

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