Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poached eggs and LOVE :)

My husband works hard.... like REALLY hard to provide for our family.

We made the decision that I would leave my job, God provided a raise for my husband that pretty much equaled my salary (a part time kindergarten no, the raise wasn't all that much, ha!), and now his is our only income.

My husband builds really, seriously, being a rocket scientist is real! I know, i didn't believe it either. When he has an upcoming launch he may be at work for 12-14 hours 7 days a week until the rocket goes boom up into space. So yes, he works hard.

I love to cook
I love my family
I show my love, in part, by nourishing their bodies with food...
thus, i woke up extra early to cook my hubby this breakfast and send him off into another day full of rockets.

Ingredients & Recipe

1 slice bacon (i used trader joes uncured applewood bacon)
1 egg ( I used trader joes organic brown eggs) - use the freshest egg possible
1 slice bread (I used alpine valley organic 12 grain whole wheat bread)
a few spears asparagus - washed, botton third portion trimmed off
salt, pepper, spices to your liking

Cook bacon until about half way to your desired doneness (that is not a word...)
add in asparagus spears, a small drizzle of olive oil or small pat of butter and finish cooking bacon until it is a crispy as you would like and asparagus is tender.

Meanwhile, bring a half full saucepan of water to a simmer (not boiling)
Add in a tablespoon of white vinegar
with a wooden spoon or whisk, stir until you have a whirlpool like effect happening
Crack egg into small bowl and gently slide egg into center of whirlpool of water
Continue stirring so that the white of the egg forms a tight oval around egg
Cook approximately 4 minutes, you want whites firm but yolk still runny
Remove egg, trim off any straggly parts of the white

Toast bread, if you really love your husband you can cut out your bread in a shape of a heart :)

Plate bread, top with asparagus spears, poached egg, and bacon slice

Give hubby a big smooch,send him off to work, rush back to bed for those coveted 3 and a half minutes of sleep before alarms 1 & 2 (also known as kidlet Madisyn and kidlet Conner) go off.

Happy Eating...

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