Monday, April 29, 2013

Oatmeal Coconut Jam Bars

I don't bake much.... at all....

There is something about having to be precise that just does not go well with me. I CAN do it if necessary, and have done it with success....but it is not my favorite.

I am getting ready to go on a quick vacation so I really want to make sure that I use up everything perishable. I hate when things go to waste.
In that spirit, I have tons of fresh blackberries I need to use that, much to my dismay, no one else in my house loves - they will eat them by force but not their first choice.
I wanted to make sure to use them up, but I knew I was not going to be able to eat all of them alone so I wanted to see if there was something I could come up with... to the internet I went.

I finally found a recipe that looked like it would be yummy and I had everything i needed.
The white flour, the quantity of sugar and the store bought sugar filled raspberry jam it called for were not things I really wanted to use though.

Indulgence is ok. In my life it is actually required :) I am not one of those wow this fresh fruit is just like having a slice of chocolate cake whoever said that lied... bad...
I do indulge, its actually quite the norm here, but I think if the food can taste just as good or better and use healthier ingredients why wouldn't you?!

The original recipe calls for sweetened coconut, bleached white flour, a full cup of sugar and store bought sugar filled jam.
My recipe uses unsweetened coconut, whole wheat pastry flour, 1/2 the sugar and fresh berries cooked down into a thick jam like yummy sauce. But make no mistake, they are still an indulgence - there are 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter involved here :)

OH, and it tastes FABULOUS :)
golden, toasted, unsweetened coconut

blackberries and strawberries reducing away

all thickened up, no additives, no sugars

dough after butter addition, but before oats and coconut... all in the food processor

right out of the oven

close up of the bubbly, toasty, goodness
Oatmeal Coconut Berry Jam Bars

1 1/4 cups unsweetened coconut flakes - toasted at 375 degrees until golden brown (about 8 minutes, but watch CAREFULLY as it can burn fast)
1 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup brown sugar ** see note at bottom **
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 sticks cold, unsalted butter - cut into pieces but kept cold
1 1/2 cups plain rolled oats (not instant)
2-3 cups fresh berries of your choice - you want this to cook down into about 1.5 cups of jam so you may need more/less fresh berries depending on the size, type of berry you use.
up to 1/4 cup raw honey (may not be needed)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees and toast coconut

In a saucepan over medium heat, add the berries and up to 1/4 cup of honey; 1 tablespoon at a time. Depending on the sweetness of your berries, you made not need any of the honey. As the berries cook down they will concentrate and become sweeter. Cook until a thick jam has formed, set aside to cool. This will take anywhere from 10-20 minutes depending on stove, pan, and berries.

Combine flour, sugar, salt in the bowl of a food processor, process until combined. Add in butter and process just until a dough begins to form. Add in oats and 1 cup toasted coconut - pulse a couple times and then transfer to a bowl to combine. Knead until everything is incorporated but do not handle too much or else the butter will melt. Set 3/4 cup of the dough aside.

Press remaining dough into pan until flat. I have a strange 8 1/2 x 11 pan that I used but you could use a 9x9 or even a 9x13. You would need to add more time to a 9x9 pan and subtract some minutes from the 9x13. Add jam on top and top with 3/4 dough you set aside as well as the 1/4 cup of coconut you have left. Spread out the dough/coconut mixture carefully on top of the jam.

Bake about 30 minutes watching to make sure the coconut on top does not burn.

Here is the hardest part...let cool...ugh!!
You have to let these babies cool... unless you want your homemade yummy jam pouring out all over youself so that you singe your arms, hands and face (cough...ahem... i would have NO idea what this would be like). Cool about 20 minutes at room temperature, then cut into squares (I was able to cut mine into 16 small squares).

** I normally try to avoid using straight sugar/brown sugar and try to stick to raw honey and maple syrup as sweeteners. I tried these once with honey and here is what I found. The temperature had to be lowered, the flavor was much different, the moisture level was weird and I had a hard time with it. I am sure many of you are much better with subbing in other ingredients, so feel free to let me know if you do.

Happy Eating...

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