Saturday, July 19, 2014

Nutritional Powerhouse Granola Bars

I FIRMLY believe in eating breakfast! I love when my whole family can come together around the table and begin our day eating a meal together....but that is not always a reality.

My husband leaves early to get to work, one kiddo likes to eat right when he gets up at the crack of dawn...every...single...morning... and the other sleeps in later and takes a while before she is ready to eat. I don't want junky sugar laden foods to be what we all eat just because we are rushing around or need to leave quick or need something portable that can be shoveled into our pie holes in 5 seconds!

Enter granola bars... easy, quick, portable.... but have you read the label on some of them... added cheap processed sugars often in many different forms, bleached flours and very little to no protein to keep you full. Not what I would want to turn to if I don't have to.

These babies come together in 2 bowls, 1 pan, 5 minutes of prep and 13 minutes of cooking. All amazingly healthy ingredients and packed with protein to keep you full.

Let's take a quick look at the ingredients and then we will get to the recipe :)

Oats - hardy cereal grain that although hulled, this process does not strip away their bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of their fiber and nutrients. Antioxidant compounds unique to oats, called avenanthramides, help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease ,Oats and other whole grains are a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes, including enzymes involved in the body's use of glucose and insulin secretion.

Raw Honey -  Collected straight from the extractor; it is totally unheated, unpasteurized, unprocessed honey. Honey is loaded with many essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 as well as vitamin C are found in honey. It also contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, sulphur, zinc and phosphate. Raw honey has powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as antibacterial properties.

Grass-Fed Butter - High-fat dairy products from grass-fed cows are among the best sources of Vitamin K2 in the diet. Studies consistently show that Vitamin K2 dramatically reduces the risk of both osteoporosis and heart disease and Vitamin K2 helps to keep calcium out of your arteries.

Virgin Coconut Oil/Unsweetened Coconut - Coconut supplies an impressive 61% dietary fiber, it strengthens the immune system because it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which research has supported as an effective way to deal with viruses and bacteria that cause diseases like herpes, influenza, and cytomegalovirus. Coconut oil helps in fighting harmful bacteria like listeria monocytogenes and helicobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.soothing qualities.

Almonds - In addition to their cholesterol-lowering effects, almonds' ability to reduce heart disease risk may also be partly due to the antioxidant action of the vitamin E found in the almonds, as well as to the LDL-lowering effect of almonds' monounsaturated fats.

Chia Seeds - chia seeds are a naturally gluten/grain free concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium. Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain food that can be absorbed by the body as seeds (unlike flaxseeds). Chia seeds contain essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid, mucin, strontium, 30% protein, Vitamins A, B, E, and D, and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, silicon, and anti-oxidants.

Flaxseed - The primary omega-3 fatty acid found in flaxseeds is alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA.  The second is lignans. Lignans are fiber-like compounds, but in addition to their fiber-like benefits, they also provide antioxidant protection due to their structure as polyphenols as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Should be GROUND before using, as the body cannot use flax when still in its seed form.

Hemp Seeds - Hemp can provide you with a balanced ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin A, E and D, and many B vitamins. It is also rich in sodium, calcium, dietary fiber and iron.


That's a lot of information, but it is good information! None of it is mine, all of it is linked to credit the authors :) Know why you eat the food you do, know what it does for your body, know how to help your own body and take cake of it!

Or just make these darn bars and enjoy the fact that they taste great and are a nutritional powerhouse! This recipe has been adapted from MANY different recipes, tweaked to fit my please tweak to fit yours :)

Nutritional Powerhouse Granola Bars

4.5 cups rolled oats (NOT quick cooking)
1 and 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup raw honey
2/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup butter - melted (grass fed is optimal)
1.5 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1/4 cup raw slivered almonds
1/3 cup almond or other nut butter
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1/3 cup chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

In a large bowl combine oats, flour, baking soda, baking powder, nuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds and cinnamon, stir to combine.

In a smaller bowl combine melted butter, honey, coconut oil, almond (or other nut) butter, vanilla and almond extracts, stir to combine.

Pour wet ingredients into dry and using a wooden spoon gently fold everything together until all ingredients are combined.

Pour into a greased jelly roll pan with a lip (or other pans of your choice - just remember your cooking time may vary!). I used a pan 9x12 in size.

Bake for 13 minutes. Take out of oven, gently press down with rubber spatula, and cut into bars. Immediately place pan in refrigerator and store there. When bars are completely cooled you can remove the cut bars and store them in an air tight bag or covered container in the refrigerator.

There are so many ways you can tweak this recipe! Added dried fruit, unsweetened coconut, nuts, whatever fits your fancy :)

Happy Eating!!


  1. These are so yummy! As suggested, I did tweak the recipe to my preferences - unsweetened applesauce instead of butter, chopped cashews instead of almonds, natural peanut butter instead of almond butter, all vanilla extract instead of almond extract (currently avoiding anything almond), agave instead of honey, cacao and unsweetened coconut instead of chocolate chips. Thanks for the recipe and all of the facts on the ingredients.

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