Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Morning Power Smoothie

I like to get up before my kids wake up.

I know I should just sleep until they wake me up, but if this happens I feel out of sorts all day long. So, I wake up about 30 minutes before I know my littlest kidlet will wake up. I like to wake up, stretch for a minute, allow myself to actually wake up and head out to the kitchen.

I always have something for breakfast...always.

I just don't always have time to make or the appetite to eat a huge breakfast. I also do not want to start my day filling up on empty sugar or carbs that mess with my blood sugar and lead me on the really slippery path to eating wrong all day.

On days like that, I need something that is going to fill me up, taste amazing, keep me going through my morning spin class, and is fast!

Morning Power Smoothie

1 banana - frozen and sliced into coins
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt ( I use full fat)
1 cup orange juice - if you have a juicer, fresh squeezed is best
1/4 cup pineapple or plain apple
1.5 cups spinach - washed and dried - kale is great too - just remove the tough stem
1/2 cup strawberries or raspberries
1/4 cup blueberries or blackberries
1 tablespoon chia seeds, black or white
1 teaspoon flaxseed meal
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

** Sometimes I will add in raw, vegan, plant based protein powder if I am drinking this after a really tough workout. You can also change the fruits, add more veggies, sub water for the OJ. **

blend, sip, feel AMAZING all day!!!

Yum! Don't let the color fool you, this is amazing!
How pretty is this!

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