Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been a while! Plus, Chicken lettuce wraps!

Well, um, so, yeah....

It's been a while since I have last posted... kind of wish I had a valid excuse or reason - like hey sorry I won the lottery, been traveling or man, that shark bite sure made it hard to type... but nope, just life :)

That's what great about a blog, it doesn't care if you are away for a while, it's still waiting there for you when you return - a method I would not suggest for relationships :)

So onto the FOOD!

I have been working hard to eat clean and healthy and work out diligently and it has finally been rewarding to see weight come off... I think I do better with weight loss in the summer anyway. It's Arizona, you could stand outside for a few hours and probably sweat off 3 pounds :/ But summer is the time for salads and fresh summer produce and it's just so stinking hot I don't feel like turning on the dang oven!

I have been really loving a simple watermelon, basil and feta refreshing :) I think I may have a slight problem with feta... I like it too much! If I could put it in everything I just might.

I was thinking about dinner the other night and I really didn't want to turn on the oven but I was really craving something hearty yet light - yeah, I confuse myself too :) I knew I wanted some kind of salad involved, but I also wanted something warm, but nothing too heavy or full of cream/butter.

I happened to have a package of ground chicken breast that I needed to use and I had no desire to make a meatloaf or meatballs or burgers, so I figured I would just see what else I had on hand. This is truly how most of my meals come about, I see what I have, what looks good, what needs to be used and somehow someway it will become a meal. Major successes have stemmed from this method, and some quite spectacular fails as well, but it keeps me accountable to using what I have and not being wasteful.

Don't those look pretty!! Hearty, light, warm, filling, healthy - major success :)

So as you may have realized, I am not too good with measuring, I just kind of taste as I go, but I am working on that :)

For the wrap
2-3 romaine leaves (you could sub collard greens, iceberg lettuce, etc...)

Garlic Sour Cream
Sauté 3 cloves garlic in a bit of olive oil until fragrant but not burned, transfer to a food processor or magic bullet and whirl up, add in about 1/4 cup sour cream, blend again, keep refrigerated until you use it.

Chicken Filling
1 package ground chicken breast (mine was about 3/4 of a pound)
1/4 cup chopped kale
1/4 cup diced zucchini
1/4 cup diced carrot
1/4 cup diced bell pepper, any colors
1/4 cup diced onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
salt & pepper
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes (adjust to your taste - my kiddos were eating this so I kept it mild)
1 tablespoon olive oil

Heat olive oil to medium heat, add in carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, onion, all spices and herbs and sauté until vegetables are cooked but still have a bite to them (no mushy veg, ack) - about 6 minutes
Add in ground chicken, kale and garlic, cook until chicken is cooked through - about 6-8 minutes
Taste and season with salt and pepper, adding in more spices/herbs to your liking. Let simmer at low heat for an additional 5- 8 minutes to really develop the flavors (or skip this step and eat directly from the pan with a spoon)

Add to lettuce, top with sour cream and EAT!

Happy Eating